Baker Plumbing

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I've been involved in Plumbing, Heating & Gasfitting since birth!! Our Company has been serving the Greater Calgary area since 1956. If We Cant Do It, It Cant Been Done! We have completed projects across Canada from Kelowna to Toronto. Give us a call and see what we can do for you!

Monday, May 7, 2012

A warm welcome to Spring/Summer it is wonderful to feel the warmth of the Sun and see the flowers and trees starting to bud. It makes one glad to be alive.

That said I want to chat quickly about toilets. There is no doubt that toilets and plumbers seem to go together like PB&J. Where would modern society be without the invention of the toilet and modern plumbing?? Imagine sitting in a high level meeting and needing to excuse one's self to use a bucket or worse yet run out to the outhouse. I may be basis but the start of modern society began with a bathroom upgrade. So why is it that we treat our bathroom fixtures so poorly?? We have found everything from old style pagers

To several rolls of toilet paper flushed all at once.
In fact this picture above shows someone trying to flush a roll of brown paper towel. Folks that is not going to happen.

Although we appreciate the business please think before you decide to flush. Not everything disappears after you flush it.

If you happen to be the victim of someone's careless flushing, give us a cal 24/7 we're to get things moving again.

All the best!!

Baker Plumbing


  1. Having a friend at Hamilton plumbing I can say I totally agree. I think public restrooms are the worst because people really don't care how they treat the fixtures.

  2. You got a point. Some public toilets I visited have missing toilet dispensers, broken shower handle and toilet riddled with grime and its sad to observe restrooms like these every-time I visit.

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  3. If you are going to do it yourself, troubleshooting involves the isolation of the problem based on physical clues. It may be the presence of water stains, or clogged up drains in sinks or toilets. The physical clues are often different from the true problem.

    Brampton Plumbing

  4. I think every public toilet has to have a waste basket to avoid the user to flush their toilet paper in the toilet bowl. This causes blockage and makes bigger problem in the future.

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  5. Excellent information! Very useful and amazing, I will be looking to Participate in the conversations if you folks are looking to talk about this thread further.

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  6. Oh good! I saw the picture of the toilet before I had a chance to read and was very grossed out, but a whole roll of brown toilet paper? Really? I know little to none about Calgary plumbing and heating but even I know that is not gonna work. Thanks for sharing this info!

  7. This definitely makes me appreciate those that to plumbing and heating in Calgary. It's amazing how big of a problem it can be.

  8. I think every public toilet has to have a waste basket to avoid the user to flush their toilet paper in the toilet bowl. This causes blockage and makes bigger problem in the future. calgary plumbing
