Baker Plumbing

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I've been involved in Plumbing, Heating & Gasfitting since birth!! Our Company has been serving the Greater Calgary area since 1956. If We Cant Do It, It Cant Been Done! We have completed projects across Canada from Kelowna to Toronto. Give us a call and see what we can do for you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Some of the Craziness we have seen this year

I thought we would compile some pictures of some the crazy, weird, and frankly nastiness we have come across this year. So sit and enjoy, well maybe prepare yourself some of these pictures are not for the faint of heart.

This one is awesome. This poor lady hired a licensed plumber to install this sink for her, she was charged $1700 and the plumber claimed that the inspector approved this installation. Of course she wasn't home when the inspector supposedly showed up. There is so much wrong with this I can't even begin to point it all out.


Yes, that is an egg by the power feed! The request for service was that the roof top unit is making a funny sound. Well, somehow a family of pigeon made their way into the unit and built themselves a little home. All was well until the thermostat turned the unit on.

#8 - This one is of the actual squirrel cage

No explanation needed!


We've shown this one before but it's a good one. This picture is of a 8' deep man hole that is now full to the top with all sorts of nastiness.

Its always amazes me the stuff you find in peoples storage room, mechanical rooms, etc.. All the places the public normally doesn't go. If my wife would allow it I could take pictures of the thousands of ladies that are plastered all over the walls of these same rooms.

Anyone feel like taking a bath? Is there really anything nastier than a tub full of poo?? Anyway, look away if you can't take it.


How many fittings does it take to go around a pipe? By this guy's math-6-Awesome!


The power of water and cold weather.This little expansion tank was blown to bits and caused quite a little stir when it flooded the restaurant.


The list wouldn't be complete without the classic plugged toilet. Although this one shows someone needs more fiber!


This one is both nasty and tragic. Poor cat went into the furnace to stay warm and I'm sure enjoying his new found until the furnace motor started. No doubt it ended quickly.

As you can see it was an eventful year! Check this blog often or follow us on Twitter to keep abreast of the wild and wacky world of Baker Plumbing.

Until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wicked post! I took plumber training courses a few years back but they never prepare you for this kind of situation!
